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List of Our Clients

The quality of our services has been recognized by some of the largest domestic and international companies, whose logos proudly adorn this page. Each of them represents a story of success, trust, and excellence. Our commitment to detail, innovation, and clients is woven into every project we undertake. Join the prestigious community of industry leaders who have chosen our services as a key element of their growth and success.

They said about us

Nikola LovreDeputy Director of the Fleet, Maxbet
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Reliable partner for all situations in fleet tracking. A system and people worthy of every recommendation.
Marko JuroševićDirector and Owner, JUROŠEVIĆ MD LLC VRBAS
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Modern solutions that aid in business, ease of use, and satisfaction with a collaboration that has lasted for years.
Aleksandar ToškovićDirector, Amiga Kraljevo
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Control center for GPS vehicle tracking that every provider should have. Expert and prompt assistance whenever I need it, rapid intervention and deployment throughout Serbia, simply extremely satisfied!

Practical Examples

Our commitment to excellence is evident through concrete practical examples. Here, you will find detailed case studies that illustrate how our innovative approach and expertise have addressed complex challenges and contributed to the success of our clients. Each case is a reflection of our ability to provide solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations. See how our expertise and experience transform ideas into reality, setting new standards in various industries.

We entered into a contract with AIK Bačka Topola for the installation of Almaks GPS devices on 20 cargo vehicles. Following the advice of our sales manager, we also installed fuel measurement probes and RFID driver identification devices in all vehicles, which turned out to be a ‘bullseye.’ The management of AIK Bačka Topola had a long-standing issue with suspected fuel misuse, specifically fuel theft from their trucks. One month after installation, we conducted an analysis and compared fuel consumption parameters to the previous month, revealing a savings of €10,000. Any fuel misuse is detected and documented in a tabular and graphical format, with precise location on the map and exact volume. With the help of RFID driver identification, the perpetrator is also identified. In some cases, it’s worth noting that simply knowing that the drivers are being monitored has been enough to deter fuel misuse.

As an excellent real-world example, we would like to mention Smart Gradnja, a company based in Belgrade that operates a fleet of 4 cargo vehicles. After one year of using Almaks GPS advanced devices with fuel probes, we received praise from the owner of Smart Gradnja, who couldn’t hide his enthusiasm. As conveyed by the director of Smart Gradnja, they achieved significant fuel savings, 30% compared to the previous year, and reduced vehicle downtime for maintenance. The advanced device allows for monitoring all vehicle parameters (speed, RPM, aggressive driving), which in this case directly contributed to increased productivity and more efficient fleet management.

Our customer support team contacted a client regarding the GPS device’s loss of signal. The client confirmed that the vehicle should not be at that location and, upon further internal investigation, determined that the vehicle had been stolen. Our customer support provided the client with precise coordinates, a satellite view of the location where the vehicle was last reported, and the vehicle’s route history leading to those coordinates. The client handed over this information to the police, who swiftly responded to the scene and found several individuals in the process of disassembling the vehicle. Thanks to the prompt actions from both sides, the vehicle was recovered and returned to the client.

A satisfied client in the road transport industry claims that by effectively monitoring fuel consumption, thanks to the installed fuel measurement probes, he managed to reduce the average consumption on his vehicles. By analyzing the mileage and comparing it to the previous year when he didn’t have a fuel tracking system, he concluded that the savings were substantial enough for him to purchase an additional vehicle, which he did. This case highlights the confirmed multiple benefits and cost-effectiveness of a fuel tracking system in vehicles. Building on this case, we would also like to mention another client who, without an installed fuel tracking system, managed to have a psychological impact on the drivers by mentioning that all vehicles are being monitored for fuel consumption. This led to a significant reduction in fuel consumption solely thanks to the basic Almaks GPS devices installed.

The client received an email notification from the system that fuel had been drained from one of his trucks equipped with the Almaks GPS system with fuel level monitoring probes. Following this, he contacted our technical support, who confirmed the accuracy of the data indicating the fuel had indeed been siphoned off. They provided him with satellite imagery of the parking area where the incident occurred. The company owner personally went to the scene and found a container with a small fuel pump next to the truck, which ultimately turned out to belong to one of the company’s drivers.

Company X had long struggled with securing their mining equipment after working hours at the quarry near Aranđelovac, where the machines were used for stone extraction. The quarry was not secured during the night, resulting in numerous reports of unknown individuals siphoning fuel from the machinery overnight. Employees attempted to solve the problem by draining fuel from the machines after work hours and refilling them with a limited amount of fuel just before the start of the next working day. The Almaks GPS system faced a challenging task in finding a technical solution to these issues. Upon the client’s approval, we implemented a fuel level monitoring system with a tank cap opening sensor. Additionally, we installed driver identification, cap opening identification, and a robust alarm siren for audible alerts in case of unauthorized machine starts or tank cap openings. Two weeks after the installation of the Almaks GPS system, the user received an automatic SMS alarm message from the Almaks GPS control system during the late evening hours. It was an attempt to siphon fuel from one of the machine’s tanks. With a swift response, the user managed to arrive quickly at the quarry, where they found equipment for fuel extraction near one of the machines. The unknown individuals fled, and the theft was prevented. After this attempt, there have been no incidents for an extended period, and the user no longer drains fuel after working hours; the vehicles are now used normally.